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Construction Project Management Is Difficult.

Data Updating Is Manual

Data Collection and Updating from construction sites is usually manual.

Tracking Progress Requires Co-ordination

Identifying, Assigning and Tracking completion of tasks is hectic work!

Project Report Preparation Is Tedious

By the time project report is ready, work has already gone ahead, and it may be no longer relevant!

QBuild-Simplifies Project Management

Complete Digitization

QBuild aims to digitize all step of construction project management

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Mark on a plan

Qbuild allows you to upload latest plans and make them accessible to those who need them. You can mark tasks directly on the plans and then all those who need to work on them automatically know, in real time!

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Daily Data

Prepare reports on a daily basis!

No need to slog over preparation of Daily Report at the end of the day! All your team has to do is to input data during their daily rounds, and Qbuild will prepare the report automatically!

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Help you to analyze every detail.

All reports can be exported to a PDF or Excel file. You can then share it with project executives, owners, or anyone looking for summaries. We also support exports to Excel in Custom Reporting.

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Qbuild accelerates your construction projects.

Centralization of Data

QBuild centralizes data of each step in your construction project.

Easy To Use

QBuild mimics the manual work you do today, so it is easy to use.

Customised Reports

Daily Progress and Inventory Reports are now available as required by your organisation and in excel downloadable files

Time Saving

QBuild completes generating reports for you on its own so you save time.

Clients Love Our Work

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